Sunday, November 18, 2012

Two Simple Rules

I recently read a blog post by the wonderful Chip Coffey. In this post, he shares two simple rules for navigating this crazy adventure we call life: (Read Chip's November 15th post here)

1. Be kind to yourself and others
2. Search for happiness in all you do

It struck me how simple and yet, if you think about it, how exactly right he is. The timing for the post came on the heels of the presidential election and it seemed to just fit with a lot of feelings I had been experiencing. So many people want to complain that things are bad, and we want to debate everything, but the truth of the matter is, and will always be, actions speak louder than words.

I say it's time we stop debating and criticizing and start doing. We need to each take a part of the responsibility to change the things that are destroying us and start working together, for no other reason than for the simple fact that, it is the only way this world will ever change for the better.

All we have to do is start each day with a promise to followed those two simple rules in everything we kind and be happy. Kindness and happiness are contagious, just like hate and dissatisfaction. We have to chose to be a spark for motivation and joy. We have to recognize that each of us has a responsibility to the other in some shape or form.

My goal is to use this blog to keep an account of the ways that I as an individual am working to follow those rules. I also want to seek out and share some of the kindness and happiness that is already out there. My hope is that others will join in this exercise. Before you know it, tomorrow won't seem nearly as bad as yesterday and we will all be looking forward to what the future brings.

So I challenge you to share what you are doing each day to follow these two rules. Know someone who needs to feel the warmth of some kindness or happiness? Tell me about it, maybe together we can figure out a way to make a difference, one person, one problem, on day at a time.

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